Friday, December 2, 2011

Introducing Raphael!

So like many others (personal opinion: Thanks in large part to Pinterest! hehe) our family has started the tradition of The Elf on The Shelf
I know that typically he should arrive around Thanksgiving, but we were a little behind. Every day I would tell Josh that we needed to go and get our Elf, but then life happened. 

So I decided if not Thanksgiving, the next best day would be December 1st! 

Chandler went shoe shopping with my parents this evening so it was the perfect opportunity for our little Elf to set up his appearance. 

When Bing first got home I asked him to check our mail (which he loves doing). He brought back a single letter in a RED envelope. He knew that it was his, because he read his name, and he immediately told me it was from Santa Claus. I asked him "What makes you think that?" He stated that there was a Santa Claus sticker and it was in a RED envelope. 
He loved reading the letter which stated that his Magic Elf was already waiting for him somewhere. We then read the book The Elf on The Shelf. He was SO SO anxious to find his Elf. 
We then told him he needed to get ready for his bath, while in there he kept looking around, behind the door, in the bath, and then this LOOK, this look of TERROR! It was kind of a smile, but I've seen this smile before, it is when he is really really nervous!

He cried! He told me he didn't want the Elf in the room with him. I told him he really needed to name him, and then I would send him back to the North Pole. He went through a few silly choices, like Snowman, Christmas Tree and then decided on his favorite Ninja Turtle, Raphael.
I think after the name was attached he became a little more comfortable, and then Raphael was invited to hang out in Bing's room for some cartoons before bed.

I think that our new addition will be welcomed more and more as the days go by. And I can't wait to see his face every day to come, and hopefully encourage his belief as well as Kennadie's in magic as the years go by.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Butterflies are an understatement!

I am sitting here looking at the clock in the bottom right hand of my computer noticing that I have 12 hours and 50 minutes until my family of 3 becomes a family of 4! 

 I have been waiting for this day for 9 months, have spent most of those 9 months dreading being pregnant for numerous reasons. One being I hated the ridiculous amount of doctors appointments I had to attend, at one point I was almost going to 3 a week, especially with gas being so expensive! I hated having almost NO energy for a good portion of my pregnancy. In the last few months I have had a low tolerance for anything. I feel extremely guilty about my patience, or lack there of with Chandler. He is a ball of energy and sometimes the fact that I couldn't keep up with him really stressed me out to the point where I would catch myself snapping at him and feeling awful about it. Being in a pretty large amount of pain for more than half of my pregnancy also did not help me enjoy it anymore. 

I tried to tell myself "It's all going to be worth it" and even I know that is so true, I just couldn't accept that as a good enough explanation or excuse for having to deal with what I have been going through. Even as I am writing this I feel so guilty and lame for actually complaining so much. I have just come to the conclusion that being pregnant is definitely not for me. I don't enjoy any part of it. Its not relaxing or enjoyable in anyway. But I do know that the payoff is what does make it worthwhile. 

But after all the time being miserable, and wanting to not be pregnant anymore, and just wanting my little baby to be here, I have decided tonight, now with 12 hours and 42 minutes left that I think I should be pregnant for a few more weeks. I think that my house needs to be cleaned again (even though I bleached, polished, washed and organized every inch of my house yesterday). I feel like I need a little more time alone with Chandler. I am so nervous that he is going to feel neglected or replaced. I am so nervous that I am not going to love Kennadie in the same way I do Chandler, because how could I love anyone more than I love him? I think that I probably have forgotten to prepare myself with items for the baby. Last but not least I am scared to death about knowing that I am going into the hospital to have a surgery. I know I have done it before, but I didn't even know that was coming. I never had time to get nervous. I have had months and months of time thinking about May 16th. I have counted down the months, and weeks, then days, and now just mere hours! Not even a whole day left. Its freaking me out! 

The feeling I am feeling is so much more than butterflies! No it's not little Miss Kennadie bouncing around in there, even though she is. Its extreme anxiety. I hope that it doesnt get worse once we walk through those hospital doors. Literally just writing those words right now... "hospital doors" made me feel like I was going to vomit! I need to calm down I know. 

She will be here tomorrow afternoon around Noon! I appreciate all the support I have received from my family and friends! And I cannot wait for my "baby" Chandler to be a big brother, to hold my little girl that I have been dreaming of since I don't know when, and for my already amazing family of THREE to become FOUR! We will be absolutely complete and it feels good to know that!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Early Bird Gets...Tired...Early...

So, I decided that I was going to reset my "internal clock". At the beginning of the week I told Josh that I was going to begin waking up at 7-730am every morning. 
I figured that because so many things were going to be going on this year I should probably just prepare myself for it now. Now for those of you that know me, I am late to bed and...well... late to rise! I enjoy my sleep! 
The main reason I felt the need for this change is because Bing will be starting school this fall, and he also goes to bed pretty late. He wakes up usually around 9am but thats not going to cut it when school roles around. I just knew that I really needed to get him on a different schedule NOW! The other reasons were because I don't like missing out on my mornings, I feel like I get way more done early on than I do as the day goes by, and lately I have a lot to do. Then the fact that little miss Kennadie shall be arriving soon, I already know that she will be changing my sleep schedule. So it was just time!

So back to the actual waking up early part... Well I have been doing pretty awesome if I don't say so myself. I have been pretty strict on myself and just getting out of bed, drinking a cup of coffee, getting ready right away, and then enjoying the rest of my day with my SON. I... also love the fact that because I have been waking up so early, I just fall asleep around midnight (I know, that's not early to most) but being home alone at night I have issues going to sleep and this is helping so much!!! It is also helping my energizer bunny of a child to "knock out" the second his head hits the pillow! Which I love! 

Needless to say I am very proud of myself for accomplishing this task, it might not seem like a big thing to most, but for me it is I am horrible with going to sleep, and then waking up. I needed this change. I just hope that laziness does not overcome me and I can continue this streak.

I know this wasn't much of a post, but I felt the need to gloat and be proud of myself.

Friday, April 15, 2011

One Last Try

I obviously have quite a bit of time on my hand right now, not for long, but at the moment yes! So after seeing a few others start up their blogs, or restart them, I thought I should as well.

Seeing that this year is going to be a big year for our family I think that I will probably have a lot to talk about.

Tomorrow, the 16th, is A milestone I have been waiting for, I will have only 1 month left until Miss Kennadie Berlynn is here! I cannot stress how impatient I am to just have her here. To hold, kiss and love on her! To keep her to myself and share her with the world!

I cannot lie, there are so many selfish reason that I want her here as well, mainly I am so uncomfortable and just dislike the way I feel (and look). I know that being pregnant is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable and beautiful times in your life. And although the end result is more than worth the pain and uncomfortable moments I have to endure I cannot wait to not be pregnant!

Another huge milestone we are quickly approaching is our baby, our only for the last 5 years is going to start kindergarten this year!!!! I cannot believe that this moment has already arrived, its such a cliche to say "it goes by so fast" but it really does! I just never really thought it would go by this fast. His attitude towards the event is going back and forth, somedays he can't wait, and asks how much longer it will be until he starts. Other days he tells me he does not want to go to school, and is NOT going to kindergarten! But I know once the time comes he will love it.

Josh is now working TWO jobs, yes TWO! He is very busy, and even though he is making sure we don't struggle, I HATE it! I hardly see him, and when he is home he is sleeping! So it is hard not being able to spend a lot of quality time with my husband. Its especially hard on Chandler right now, mostly when its bed time. He does not like that he has to go to bed without Daddy tucking him in. I hope that because of the amount of time Josh has to spend away from us that Chandler is not missing out on too much important time with his dad!

I hope this was a good restart for all of you, and just make sure that you all keep me on track! The help will be appreciated!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Spiders, Bugs & Worms! Oh My!

First off, had a Great weekend with Josh and the in-laws in Carlsbad/Oceanside.
It made me realize how much I miss going there every summer, we went to the Harbor and by the condo and we took Chandler to the beach! He LOVES the sand! Not so much the Waves haha.

When we got home from our relaxing vacation we decided to tackle our gardens, since we are having Chandler's birthday party here it was finally motivation to clean it up a little. it took us an entire day to clear the grass that had grown into the small garden out of it, we ended up killing about 50 MASSIVE spiders, and hundreds of small ones, accidentally grabbed quite a few nasty bugs, tried avoiding the earwigs and disturbed the homes of millions of rolley polleys, haha. But now our garden looks beautiful again, and hopefully cleaning it out gave the flowes an opportunity to spread out and bloom!

Josh is off to work again over night, which sucks, I hate being alone all the time! But he's off being the Man of the House making money which is always good! It will be a little easier this week because it is only one night and I will be so busy getting the house ready for Chandler's Big Birthday Party! (Can't wait!)

Well off to work on the porch! Have A Great Day Everyone!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I thought the saying was "April showers bring May flowers"??

I don't know about any of you guys but I am thinking its a little abnormal to have this ridiculous weather in the end of May!?
California of all places.
I woke up this morning to my house shaking to no not an earthquake (which would be normal for California at anytime of the year) but instead extremely loud thunder, wind, and yes
I also heard through the grapevine that it snowed again in the mountains! Something crazy is going on!
I just want my summer!!!!!!!
Who would have thought I would hear my heater click on this time of year in the middle of the day because the temperature in my house dropped below 60 and not because I had to turn my air conditioner on!
Even our dog Minnie who loves staying outside is refusing to stay outside!

Well, Chandler's birthday is coming up, about 2 weeks!
Usually I make his invitations and have them sent out a month in advance. But this year i caved in and just bought already made invites, and I haven't even sent them out yet.
Part of me feels really guilty for not making them this year.
I really hate the invitations that you buy at the store. Everyone has them, and I thought maybe when Bing gets older he will appreciate seeing all the different invitations I made for each one of his parties.
But with the wedding and honeymoon I just never had the time to go out and get all of the stuff to actually make them.
So this year he has Batman invitations, filled out by moi!
This year we are also having his party at our itty bitty house. I am hoping that I can fit all the people and a bounce house in my backyard, and I am really hoping that the above weather is done with!

Side note: As I am typing, I am finding out that Chandler's two favorite letters are "W" and "M" he is pointing out every single one in the blog and on the keyboard.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Here Goes Nothing...

Well I am definitely not a blogger, or a writer but I have recently read a few blogs of people I don't even know and feel like I could get a lot out of writing on a daily basis. So here I go...

Most of you know that Josh and I recently got married, May 1, 2010. I'd have to say after all the stress and work that went into it, it turned out to be the most beautiful day! It was freezing, but everything I had ever dreamed of, more actually! I just can't believe how fast it all went by. An entire year of planning all for 5 hours that goes by like 5 minutes! I loved getting into my dress and knowing that I was about to walk down the aisle with my daddy to meet my HUSBAND (I love saying that). I was beyond nervous though to walk down the aisle and know there were 175 people staring at ME!

Josh and I have done most things in our lives together in an nontraditional manner. We met, moved in together, got pregnant and 5 years later got married. And regardless of what people may think I believe that we are a much stronger couple because of the way we did things. I am so glad we waited to get married, when we knew we were ready. We overcame obstacles that a lot of couples married or not have a difficult time getting through. We had opportunities to get out and walk away but we chose to grow together and make our relationship work and be as strong as possible. Josh is without a doubt my best friend, my life partner, the man I was meant to be with FOREVER! Our wedding day, next to the day that I had Chandler was the best day of my life.

Josh and I are living in Yucaipa, Josh grew up here, and I guess I technically did the majority of my "growing up" here as well (the last 13 years). We are living in the same SMALL mobile home that we have been for the last 5 years and grew out of it about ummmm 4 years ago (when we had Chandler). We have been looking for a house to buy on and off for the last year, with no luck. We have a few financial things to smooth out so we are hoping maybe in the next 6 months we can buy what will possibly be our "dream home". Josh is working for a merchandising company and works a lot of nights, hence the reason I am up at 2am writing a blog! I hate sleeping alone! He is going to school hoping to get into the Fire department. He is working really hard at it. So maybe by next year he will be my sexy husband in a uniform... ooolala. LOL. Sorry. I am currently going to school, which I feel is a never ending process to become an elementary school teacher. I am now in my 2nd year and feel like I am not even close to actually teaching! I keep going back and forth, wondering if maybe I should change my major, go to a trade school, something where I can have a career in less time. But then I remind myself I don't want to be stuck doing something I don't love. I wish at times that I was more creative, so I could just be one of those people who one day think of a great idea and then the next they have started their own successful business. Maybe one day that wish will come true.

Chandler is about to turn 4 years old (June 5th). I cannot believe how fast the time went by, I know everyone says that but it's so true, you don't even realize it and then one day your wondering where the time went. He is so energetic and crazy, he has an awesome personality and sense of humor, and makes me laugh 100x throughout the day. I am astounded by how smart he is. He is very opinionated and lets you know how things should be. He loves Batman, and sometimes requires that we call him Batman. I am so grateful to have such an amazing son who tells me he loves me a million times a day and gives me hugs and kisses just as much. He is my miracle baby, and I am so blessed!

Well I think that is it for my first blog. I hope that it wasn't too boring and I hope it was a good start, and I really hope that after all the time I spent creating the blog I can keep up with it.

Goodnight! <3